Category Archives: Lightroom

Handcrafted Episode 3: How to Enhance Flat, Low-Color Landscapes

One of the biggest challenges for landscape photographers is post-processing an image with predominantly flat light and little color. In the following Handcrafted™ video tutorial, our friends from The Photo Frontier, Justin Balog and Armando Martinez how to introduce color to a relatively flat image to create mood and drama by warming up or cooling […]

Handcrafted Episode 2: Processing Twilight in Lightroom

How do we create drama and emphasize the beauty of a relatively empty sky? One of the ways is to make use of the Gradient tool in Lightroom, to help bring out the natural glow in twilight skies. In the following Handcrafted™ video tutorial, our friends from The Photo Frontier, Justin Balog and Armando Martinez […]

Lightroom Tutorial: How to quickly process landscape photographs

Landscape photographs can be some of the most challenging images to post-process because of the wide dynamic ranges that are often present in these types of scenes. The varying brightness of different skies coupled with the darker foreground elements of landscapes often results in a digital image that is nowhere close to the actual scene. […]